The Catoni Group of Companies are committed to 100% compliance with legal requirements for all their operations in all the countries they provide services. To achieve this, Catoni regulates its activities and relations with people and other companies to create a transparent, fair, and respectful working environment. Catoni Code of Practice provides the principles we strive to accommodate in all aspects of our businesses everywhere we operate. We encourage all Catoni contractors and suppliers to adopt and implement the same principles in their business routines while working with Catoni.

We are committed to act in compliance with national and international Anti-Bribery and Corruption Acts and Anti-Trust Acts.

We support equality and are committed to treating every individual respectfully, embracing differences in cultures, languages, genders, and religions throughout our internal and external affairs. Catoni has developed processes for selection, recruitment, and promotion of its employees to ensure that all employees advance their careers in a fair and transparent environment based on qualification, talent, and performance.